Cerumol Olive Oil Ear Drops
To gently soften and remove ear wax.
Suitable for
Adults, the elderly and children over 1 year.
Adults, the elderly and children over 1 year: Tilt head sideways with the affected ear facing upwards. Avoid touching the ear with the dropper. Using the dropper, place 2-3 drops of the oil at room temperature into the ear, then gently massage around the outside of the ear. Never insert the dropper or any solid object into the ear. Allow a few minutes for the drops to reach the eardrum by keeping the head tilted and repeat in the other ear if required. Plug the ear lightly with cotton wool if necessary to prevent leakage. Use the drops twice a day for up to seven days.
Children under 5 years: Should receive medical diagnosis and supervision (see leaflet). Once opened store the dropper in the bottle. The doctor, nurse or specialist may give you other specific instructions for using the drops depending on the severity of your wax problem. You should follow the instructions given to ensure successful removal of wax. If symptoms persist consult a doctor. Discard the drops 28 days after first opening.